Creativity and Mindfulness: The Art of Noticing and Befriending the Ordinary
Over the past year-plus of the pandemic, many of us, by necessity, have kept close to home, surrounded by the ordinary features of every-day life. These constraints have brought to the fore the challenges that both artists and mindfulness practitioners have long embraced—how to see and experience freshly what is most familiar, rekindling our interest in what’s right here, and in so doing, befriending and celebrating the ordinary. Over this 6-week course, co-facilitated by Wendy Orville and Janet Curry, we will explore themes such as Play and Process, Overcoming Obstacles and The Gift of Failure and Finding Ground—Resources for the Journey.
Throughout twenty years of friendship, Wendy Orville and Janet Curry have been fascinated by the dynamic interplay between ‘Creativity and Mindfulness’. Their on-going conversations have enriched both their work and their lives. Integrating mindfulness into her art form has supported Wendy in establishing a vibrant studio practice, while Janet has found that weaving creativity more explicitly into her teaching and counseling has bolstered her trust in her own voice. To learn more and register.